

くろとトラの留学日記 Englishブログ ~Ichiro Suzuki, 4257hits~

Congratulations! Ichiro surpassed rose and gets 4257 hits of Japan and U.S. Ichiro Suzuki outfielder for the Marlins in enemy-held territory Padres 15 (Japan time 16). Lewis alltime hits record as U.S. total 4257 hits (1278 this NPB and ML…

くろとトラの留学日記 Englishブログ ~Ichiro Suzuki, 4257hits~

Congratulations! Ichiro surpassed rose and gets 4257 hits of Japan and U.S. Ichiro Suzuki outfielder for the Marlins in enemy-held territory Padres 15 (Japan time 16). Lewis alltime hits record as U.S. total 4257 hits (1278 this NPB and ML…

くろとトラの留学日記 Englishブログ ~History of Scotch Whiskey~

Hello. It’s been ages. I think I'll speak about whiskey today. Previously I was talking about whiskey to a friend. Then I told that Scotch whisky was regulated by dry law. (dry law=禁酒法) But he told me. "Dry law is only the United State…

くろとトラの留学日記 Englishブログ ~Sun Francisco photographs~

Goodevening. It is 8:00 of the morning now. I went to Sun Ftancisco and I met my engineer friends. These are the photographs. SUNNY VALE STATION My friend It's nice weather! I will go to school! Take care!

くろとトラの留学日記 Englishブログ ~Recently~

Hello! It is awkward that a smartphone is not usable at the beginning of the month. This is a picture of cooking a garlic tip yesterday. It smells good! Cut garlic... I bought a pure sesame oil because it finished. Cup noodle. I go to San …

Kuro,and,Tora Blog ~Use school Internet~

I use my school Internet and write a blog. I played soccer yesterday, so I was so tired. I forgot to write a blog :< A littele asd.

くろとトラの留学日記 Englishブログ ~Witty jokes~

The weather is fine today too. After school, I got home and got sleepy. Before I knew it, wake up at 11p. m. Uh......I slept well, so passing six hours. Look at this picture. Have a good blue sky. By the way, I searched for a nice joke yes…

くろとトラの留学日記 Englishブログ ~Chang of smoking row in California~

Do you know this news? I see. Before teenager can buy a cigarette but changes the row. But the news told that some locations can buy it. Why? The signature of governor is necessary. Uh-huh... By the way, is this place? The governor wrote s…

くろとトラの留学日記 Englishブログ ~Monday, Week2~

Hi. Today is June 6th. It doesn't mean that I wake up early but I hate getting up in the morning. I'm fucking sleepy right now. Today, I will go to bed early. Good night. Brings back memories Avril Lavigne - Girlfriend I like these lyrics.…

くろとトラの留学日記 Englishブログ ~Burger~

I ate a burger in the ISLANDS. ISLANDS is a Hawaiian restaurant. Woah, it's very big! Crispy fried potatos good! In addition, the vegetables are fresh! My Korean friend ordered chocolate shake. Tomorrow, I have a school. I feel a little do…

クロとトラの留学日記 Englishブログ ~Satuaday~

Today,I watched two videos. The magic ingredient that brings Pixar movies to life. www.ted.com Pixar's director of photography talks about creating stories. 3D graphic is very beautiful! A futuristic vision of the age of holograms. www.ted…

シリコンバレー留学日記 ~ Paint Ball Pictures~

SANTA CLARA PAINTBALL (SCP) Equipment Let's start To be dirty Sun set Thank you!

シリコンバレー留学日記 〜Let's go Paint Ball〜

We am going to Paint Ball tomorrow. I'm looking forward to it ! Called extreme sports Paint Ball is popular American sports. It looks like a survival game. We use a paint gun and shoot another person. It sounds danger but this sports is sa…

クロとトラの留学日記・Englishブログ -New class-

New session (......exhausted) (Every month, my class is confused.) (Give me a break.) I think that I said before, I couldn't pass final exam in the last session. Now my class is Level 5 . Finally I have to pass Level 9. But my classroom wa…

シリコンバレー留学日記・頑張ってEnglishブログ ~Hugo is our best friend~

Hugo was my roommate. Hugo went back Ecuador. Really? When? This morning. Finally, he said. "Please give this for Tora..." I think that this is the last present from Hugo. Here your are. Thanks...... What's this? Charge cable of the iPhone…

シリコンバレー頑張ってEnglish日記 ~Memorial Day~

What is Memorial Day? Memorial Day is a national holiday in America. It was on last Monday of May. Memorial Day is a day of remembering the men and women who died while serving, while Veterans Day celebrates the service of all U. S. Milita…

シリコンバレー留学日記 〜TED見たよ!〜

EnglishとJapaneseでEverydayの出来事を書くだけのDiaryです!期待しないでね! ルームメイトのテイヤンに英語で書けと言われたので、ルー大柴みたいになりました(笑) What didi you do today? I watched TED. What's TED? Movie? NO. It's a website. You…

クロとトラの留学日記 〜サンフランシスコ・シリコンバレー編〜

日々の出来事を、英語と日本語で記していくだけの日記です!期待はしないでね。 Hello! My name is Tora. Hi. My name is Kuro. By the way, Tora and Kuro stydy English in USA. Nice to meet you. 最近はDaft Punkとjustin bieberに少しはまっています。 …

クロとトラのブログ 〜アメリカ編・シアトル巡り〜

急にアメリカ編が始まったにゃ! ブログ担当者が今、アメリカにいるからな…… き、聞いてないにゃ。 言ってないからな(キリッ ………… なら、仕方ないにゃ はい! 今回も、クロとトラの寸劇から始まりましたブログ(笑) それでは、写真多めで行ってみましょう…


今回は鎌倉へ行ってきました٩( ・ω・ )و 今回はトラが、鎌倉の美味しいお店を紹介するにゃ! お前に出来るのかよ…… にゃー!! ちゃんと出来るにゃ!! でも僕じゃなくって別の子に行って記事を書いてもらったにゃ。 (それじゃあ、お前は何もしてないじゃん…

クロとトラの活動ブログ ー年末・クリスマス・振り返り編ー

クリスマス、年末はどうお過ごしでしょうか? こんにちわ、こんばんわ、メリークリスマス!(もう終わりましたがww) どうも、同人サークルTwilight代表の松原です^ ^ 皆さんは、どんな年末をお過ごしでしょうか? 忘年会? 大掃除? ボーナス査定などなど………

初めてなのに1発で審査がとった!?リジェクトされないLINEスタンプの作り方 <CLIP STUDIOでの描き方編>

ここからは実際にスタンプを描いて、作るところを説明したいと思います。 その前に…。 LINEスタンプって、デジタルですよね? デジタルってことはPCでペンタブを使って描くということです。 私、ペンタブ持ってないの(;´・ω・) ぼくペンタブをまだ全然使いこ…


Twilightサークル所属のoh?4留粉です。 今回、人生初めてのLINEスタンプ制作したのですが、なんと一度もリジェクトされず たった5日で審査の承認を得ました( `・ω・)b http://creator-mag.line.me/ja/archives/1030612957.html ↑↑(LINEスタンプの審査が3…